Sunday, May 24, 2015

Chapter 3 & 5

Three concepts to reflect upon in Chapters 3 & 5:

1)Plagiarism: this is something that should never be played with. When taking ENC I and II my teacher was big on this and it was instilled in me. I believe that if you are not looking at the text and rewrite something there is no way that you can write it word for word. Go ahead and read the article even highlight if you need to but, when writing the paper put it to the side. I will instill this into my students when they are writing papers or anything that this is a form or stealing also.

2)Using the right URL: this is a big one again that I had pounded into me in my ENC I and II using information from a .edu or a ,gov. But there are other sites that are good to use too but, fot academic writing try to stay closer to the .edu's and .gov's.

3) Group projects: I love this idea, when I was in school I loved doing group work especially if I was not understanding something. In a smaller setting I felt more confortable asking my questions about something then I would in a whole class disccusion.

In conclusion I believe that these three thing are very inport aspects to teaching successfully with technology. Knowing what are going to be benefical to you and what can hurt you are two things that are important in teaching.

<a href=''><img src='' border='0' alt='Chapter 3 ' title='Click to View Full Size Image' ></a><br><div style='font-size: 11px; font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: left; width: 100%;'>By <a href=''>jlew526</a> | <a href=''>View this Toon at ToonDoo</a> | <a href=''>Create your own Toon</a></div>


 Maloy, R., Verock-O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2011). Transforming Learning with Unique, Powerful Technology. In Transforming Learning with New Technologies (2nd ed., pp. 46-126). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.


  1. Nice work on your reflective writing and good to see that you were able to relate it back to other classes. I would suggest that looking primarily at .edu and .gov sites is a understandable suggestion, but what might be more important is to learn to evaluate websites for validity. For example, there is very accurate information on the American Cancer Society page (.com or .org) - though I would agree that if given a preference the government's site would be preferable.

  2. Oh, and you need to edit this post in the html tab with your HTML embed code so that your ToonDoo comic strip will be visible. Instructions are in the Module page on digital blog post information in Canvas.
